How long does it take to sell a house?

By |2021-02-27T22:02:00-05:00February 27, 2021||

The Des Moines Area Associations of Realtors suggest that homes are selling fast right now, averaging around 46 days from listing to close. Many factors can be taken into consideration from conditions of your local market, condition of your home, listing price and even the tactics and strategies used by you and/or your agent to market your home

How do I find out the value of my house?

By |2021-04-08T19:35:49-05:00February 27, 2021||

The value of your house is not a simple question to answer. It depends on many factors about both the condition of your home and your local market. A great starting point is go check local sales of houses similar in size, style and condition to find a ballpark number to start with. If you are looking to put your house on the market and you need a more precise number then it’s time to call a professional. Contact your local agent and schedule a walk through so they can help you find that perfect listing price to add your house to the market.

How much does it cost to sell a house?

By |2021-04-08T19:36:23-05:00February 27, 2021||

Selling a house comes with many costs throughout the process. Fortunately for you many of those costs are not out-of-pocket but rather come from the sales proceeds at closing. Things such as your agents commission, any repair costs and closing costs are the most common. A safe bet to expect about 10% of your homes sale price in fees and other expenses.

What can I do to help get my house ready to sell?

By |2021-04-08T19:37:13-05:00February 27, 2021||

Selling your house is all going to come down to first impressions. You need a potential buyer to walk through your house and imagine themselves living there right off the bat. Your home should be tiny and clean, but still lived in. Repairs should be made as well as upgrading little things like door handles and outlet covers. Some repainting or reflooring might need to be done as well to make you house more desirable.

Should I price my house high so I have room to negotiate?

By |2021-04-08T19:37:44-05:00February 27, 2021||

Setting a market price is a difficult task to start with. An expert takes many factors into consideration to arrive at that number. If you choose to aim for a higher number than they suggest then you need to be aware of the risks involved. Although that tactic does work from time to time, more often than not what we see are houses sitting on the market for an above average amount of time and then having to eventually drop down anyway. Some buyers could be turned off by the price right while other buyers even look at that extended amount of time on the market as signs of potential problems. So be cautious and instead of pricing high, price right.

Do I need to schedule an open house?

By |2021-04-08T19:38:22-05:00February 27, 2021||

The simple answer is no. While it is surely an option, it is typically not advised. Anytime you invite multiple strangers into your home you need to assume the risk of things getting dirty, something getting broken or even things getting stolen. Any serious buyer will not hesitate to schedule a walk through with your agent. Make sure you have updated photos and video of your home to help your agent reach those potential buyers.

Should I avoid being at home for a scheduled showing?

By |2021-04-08T19:40:51-05:00February 27, 2021||

Absolutely! Buyers will feel far more comfortable speaking candidly with each other and their agent if no one is watching over them. Allow them the opportunity to have the place all to themselves and get to really imagine living there. Before you leave home set the mood by opening all the window shades, turning on some light music, using some air freshener and don't forget to take those pets with you.

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